Paul Stanley FIPF EFIAP/g EsFIAP
Paul has been interested in photography since his school days. He is an active member of the Dublin Camera Club for many years and has twice been President of the club. He continues to be a committee member acting as one of the programme secretaries and is the Director of the Eddie Chandler Gallery, which is a FIAP Exhibition Centre.
Paul is also a committee member of the Irish Photographic Federation, past president of the Federation and is currently the FIAP Liaison Officer for Ireland.
Paul is a keen exhibitor at International Salons and has gained EFIAP/g.
Paul gained his Fellowship of the Irish Photographic Federation with a panel of Travel Photography in 2013.
Paul has presented to clubs throughout Ireland and in the UK and judges extensively in Ireland and internationally.
This talk covers his images of the last 6 years or so in the genre of Travel. Landscape, Long Exposure Coastal, Architecture and some other areas.